This beginner’s tutorial demonstrates estimation of density and
abundance in Rdistance
. We discuss data requirements, basic
detection function estimation, and estimation of abundance (and
density). This tutorial is for line transect surveys when detection does
not depend on covariates.
First, install the latest version of Rdistance
. In the R
console, issue,
You can install the development version of Rdistance
from GitHub using
After the package is installed, it is loaded into the current session
with the require
statement, i.e.,
The following statements bring the example data sets into R’s global environment where other routines can see them.
Estimation of abundance (or density) in Rdistance
requires two data sets; the detection data set and the
sites data set. Both data sets can be prepared using any method
that results in an R data.frame
. For example, analysts can
format detection and transect information on separate sheets in
, export each sheet to CSV files, and read them into R
using read.csv
. Importing data is beyond the scope of this
vignette. Here, we use the Brewer’s sparrow data set that comes bundled
with Rdistance
The detection data frame contains one row for each detected
target, whether that target is a single individual or a group of
individuals. Columns in the detection data frame contain information
like group size and perpendicular off-transect distance to the group. At
a minimum, Rdistance
requires the following information in
the detection data frame:
requires that this column of
the detection data frame have measurement units (e.g., “m” or “ft”).
Measurement units can be assigned using the units()<-
functions. For example,
units(sparrowDetectionData$dist) <- "m"
makes all the
measurements in column dist
into meters. If column
already has units, assigning meters in this way
converts from the previous units into meters. Measurement units are
required on all distances in Rdistance
(e.g., off-transect
distances, left and right cut-offs, scale locations, transect lengths,
and study area size). Additional details are in
), but not to estimate a distance
function (in function dfuncEstim
), but not to
estimate a distance function (function dfuncEstim
). If all
groups are size 1, group sizes can be omitted.The specific columns that contain distances and group sizes can be
named anything and are specified in the formula argument of function
. Likewise, the siteID
column(s) can
be named anything and is specified in the transectID
argument to function dfuncEstim
. If siteID
not specified (or is NULL), Rdistance
constructs the
s from the set of common columns contained in the
detection and sites data frames. See the Input
data frames section of help(dfuncEstim)
additional details.
Line-transect distance-sampling analysis is performed on
perpendicular off-transect distances, where off-transect distances are
measured from the detected group to the closest point on the transect.
In the field, observers commonly record straight-line sighting distance
(from observer straight to the target) and sighting angle instead of
perpendicular distance. Rdistance
provides a utility
function named perpDists
that will compute perpendicular
distances from sighting distance and angle. See
for details.
For reference, the first six rows of the sparrow detection data set are:
## siteID groupsize sightdist sightangle dist
## 1 A1 1 65 15 16.8 [m]
## 2 A1 1 70 10 12.2 [m]
## 3 A1 1 25 75 24.1 [m]
## 4 A1 1 40 5 3.5 [m]
## 5 A1 1 70 85 69.7 [m]
## 6 A1 1 10 90 10.0 [m]
We will use siteID
, groupsize
, and
in this tutorial. Details on the study and other
columns are in help(sparrowDetectionData)
The sites data frame contains one row for each surveyed site
regardless of whether the site was “positive” (one or more targets
detected) or “zero” (no targets detected). We use the term ‘site’
because it encompasses both continuous transects and point transects. In
this tutorial, a ‘site’ is one transect. Rdistance
the study area as containing one or more surveyed ‘sites’, where each
‘site’ has a particular surveyed length. Along the surveyed length, zero
or more groups were detected. Stratum and sub-units of the study area
are not automatically accommodated in Rdistance
. We view
stratum as separate study areas, estimate abundance in each separately,
and then sum over stratum to arrive as the study area estimate.
At a minimum, Rdistance
requires the following
information in the sites data frame:
.Note that a site
data frame is not required to estimate
a distance function. In addition to site IDs and length, the
sites data set can contain covariates that are constant for
detections on the same transect. We call such covariates site-level
covariate to distinguish them from detection-level covariates that vary
by detection.
For reference, the first six rows of the sparrow site data set are:
## siteID length observer bare herb shrub height shrubclass
## 1 A1 500 [m] obs4 36.7 15.9 20.1 26.4 High
## 2 A2 500 [m] obs4 38.7 16.1 19.3 25.0 High
## 3 A3 500 [m] obs5 37.7 18.8 19.8 27.0 High
## 4 A4 500 [m] obs5 37.7 17.9 19.9 27.1 High
## 5 B1 500 [m] obs3 58.5 17.6 5.2 19.6 Low
## 6 B2 500 [m] obs3 56.6 18.1 5.2 19.0 Low
We will use siteID
and length
in this
After input data are prepared, we recommend plotting a histogram of perpendicular distances to check the minimum, maximum, and units of the distance measurements.
, col="grey"
, main=""
, xlab = "Distance")
rug(sparrowDetectionData$dist,quiet = TRUE)
Histogram of sparrow off-transect detection distances.
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.00 14.15 30.75 39.64 57.35 207.00
Measurement units appear in the x-axis label of the plot. After a
distance function is estimated, which we do next,
’s plotting facilities can improve this histogram
and show fit of the distance function to the off-transect distances.
We fit a detection function to perpendicular distances using the
function dfuncEstim
. Function dfuncEstim
maximum likelihood methods to estimate parameters of the distance
function. Histogram bin sizes do not matter for parameter estimation and
are for visual purposes only. In this tutorial, we proceed using the
half-normal distance function. Normally, model selection would take
place and a final distance function would be established; but, model
selection is outside the scope of this tutorial. Function
automates the process of fitting different
detection functions, assessing their fit (by AICc), and estimating
abundance from the best-fitting function.
If group sizes are not specified, Rdistance
assumes all
detected groups consisted of one individual. The team collecting our
example data occasionally detected two or three sparrows together. Group
sizes should be entered in the detection data frame, and in our
example data are contained in the groupsize
column. We
specify group sizes during distance function estimation as an
term in the formula for the distance function.
Group sizes are not used in dfuncEstim
to estimate
parameters of the distance function, but will be used later in function
to estimate density and abundance.
Many distance analysts advocate dropping a small proportion of large
distances to improve distance function estimation and reduce variance.
Large but rare distances add variance to final estimates and can unduly
influence (i.e., bias) distance functions, especially in small (e.g., n
< 100) data sets. Dropping large observations establishes a maximum
and is called right-truncation. Analysts typically drop between one and
five percent of the largest distances depending on histogram shape and
personal preference. The 95-th quantile of the sparrow detection
distances is 104.18, while the 99-th quantile is 143.2. We will
right-truncate the sparrow detection distances at 150 meters, which is a
nice round number just above the 99-th quantile. In
, we right-truncate by specifying a value for
parameter w.hi
. Parameter w.hi
must have
measurement units because it is a distance.
We are ready to estimate a half-normal distance function with right-truncation at 150 m and non-unity group sizes on the sparrow data, i.e.,
rightTruncDistance <- units::set_units(150, "m")
dfuncSparrow<- dfuncEstim(formula = dist ~ 1 + offset(groupsize)
, detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
, likelihood = "halfnorm"
, w.hi = rightTruncDistance)
## Call: dfuncEstim(formula = dist ~ 1 + offset(groupsize), detectionData
## = sparrowDetectionData, likelihood = "halfnorm", w.hi =
## rightTruncDistance)
## Coefficients:
## Estimate SE z p(>|z|)
## Sigma 49.87369 2.014173 24.76138 2.338191e-135
The printout of a distance function object provides parameter estimates, convergence messages, fit information, and effective sampling distance. The estimated parameter of this half-normal distance function is 49.87. As an aside, when a half-normal distance function is estimated, the estimated parameter is the standard deviation of a normal distribution if it were fitted only to positive data and if we required the mean to be exactly zero. Approximately 68 percent of distances will fall between 0 and this parameter. Approximately 95 percent of distances will fall between 0 and twice this parameter. In the sparrow detection data, 69.4 percent of the observed distances are between 0 and 49.87 meters, while 93.5 percent are between 0 and 2(49.87) = 99.75 meters. The closeness of these observed proportions to their theoretical value provides information on fit of the detection function. Further comments on fit are outside the scope of this vignette.
The observation strip comprising the left-, and right-truncation
levels appears in the line labeled ‘Strip:’. The Effective Strip Width
(ESW) is a key piece of information needed to estimate abundance and it
appears on the line labeled ‘Effective strip width (ESW):’. ESW appears
in default Rdistance
printouts and can be calculated
separately using the ESW()
function. ESW is the distance at
which the same number of targets are missed nearer to the observer as
were sighted farther from the observer. Missed targets and farther away
targets balance themselves out at the ESW. Another way to say think of
ESW is that a survey with imperfect detection and ESW equal to
X will effectively cover the same area as a study with perfect
detection out to a distance of X. See help(ESW)
for details.
Some researchers prefer to report overall probability of detection in the strip. Probability of detection is ESW divided by the observation strip width. Probability of detection is reported on the line below ESW and in this case equals 62.34 / (150 - 0) = 0.4156. We leave numbers reported in the remainder of the output for later tutorials.
A visual picture of the distance function is obtained using the
The half-normal distance function fitted to sparrow off-transect detection distances.
In Figure 2, the histogram of distances is grey and the estimated
distance function is red. ESW is area under the red curve.
’s plot methods are extensive. See
Examples in help(plot.dfunc)
examples for
ways to modify bins, colors, line types, labels, etc.
Abundance estimation requires additional information contained in the
site data set. Here, we estimate abundance on the 4105 [km^2]
study area using function abundEstim()
. Confidence
intervals for true abundance are calculated using bias-corrected
bootstrapping methods (see help(abundEstim)
). As a result,
confidence intervals will vary slightly between runs due to simulation
fit <- abundEstim(dfuncSparrow
, detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
, siteData = sparrowSiteData
, area = saSize
, ci = 0.95
## Call: dfuncEstim(formula = dist ~ 1 + offset(groupsize), detectionData
## = sparrowDetectionData, likelihood = "halfnorm", w.hi =
## rightTruncDistance)
## Coefficients:
## Estimate SE z p(>|z|)
## Sigma 49.87369 2.014173 24.76138 2.338191e-135
## Density in sampled area: 8.265237e-05 [1/m^2]
## Abundance in 4.105e+09 [m^2] study area: 339288
The estimated number of sparrows on the 4105 [km^2] study area is 339,288 with 95 percent confidence interval from 268,646 to 412,088 individuals. Estimated density is 8.265237e-05 [1/m^2], which converts to 0.8265 [1/ha] (95 percent CI: 0.6544 [1/ha] to 1.0039 [1/ha]). The observer’s effective strip width was 62.3 [m] (95 percent CI: 56.67 [m] to 68.73 [m]).
stores bootstrap parameter values, density,
and ESW values in the $B
component of abundance objects.
Storing bootstrap iterations provides flexibility for more advanced
analyses. For example,
components together. New confidence
intervals from the new $B
component will be computed when
the abundance object is printed.The first six lines of the bootstrap iterations are:
## density effDistance
## 1 0.7411862 [1/ha] 65.96033 [m]
## 2 0.8697759 [1/ha] 64.51214 [m]
## 3 0.8209953 [1/ha] 62.59340 [m]
## 4 0.8248241 [1/ha] 60.78737 [m]
## 5 0.9833776 [1/ha] 57.05958 [m]
## 6 0.9260318 [1/ha] 58.79328 [m]
The bootstrap distribution of sparrow density is,
# Figure 3
, n = 30
, xlab = "Density"
, main = NULL)
# Show final density estimates, after converting to 1/ha
d <- fit$density <- fit$
units(d) <- "1/ha"
units( <- "1/ha"
abline(v = c(d,, col="blue")
Bootstrap distribution of sparrow density computed in the
In Figure 3, the density point estimate (0.8265237 [1/ha]) and confidence limits (0.6544368 [1/ha] to 1.0038680 [1/ha]) visually plot where we expect and encompass the center of the bootstrap distribution. The same figure for other data may show final estimates ‘shifted’ relative to the bootstrap distribution because the bias-corrected CI method attempts to remove estimation bias (i.e., removes distributional ‘shift’).
It is possible to change the output measurement units on ESW and
density by setting the outputUnits =
parameter in the
original call to dfuncEstim
. Setting
only effects reporting units (output). There is
no need to change the units of inputs because conversion is handled
internally and automatically. For example, to output linear distances in
kilometers, and density in square kilometers, issue the following:
dfuncSparrow <- dfuncEstim(formula = dist~1
, detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
, likelihood = "halfnorm"
, w.hi = rightTruncDistance
, outputUnits = "km")
fit <- abundEstim(dfuncSparrow
, detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
, siteData = sparrowSiteData
, area = saSize
, ci = 0.95
## Call: dfuncEstim(formula = dist ~ 1, detectionData =
## sparrowDetectionData, likelihood = "halfnorm", w.hi =
## rightTruncDistance, outputUnits = "km")
## Coefficients:
## Estimate SE z p(>|z|)
## Sigma 0.04987416 0.002014229 24.76092 2.365001e-135
## Density in sampled area: 78.64156 [1/km^2]
## Abundance in 4105 [km^2] study area: 322823.6
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tutorial materials, on the Rdistance
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